Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Learn Thai From Audio and Video

How to Learn Thai From Audio and VideoThere are many reasons why so many people in the United States choose to learn Thai based phrases, from relaxation to experiencing a more authentic Thai lifestyle. You don't have to be a foreigner to find that learning the language is as fun as learning any other language. I will explain how learning this language can benefit you and improve your life. Learn about how to learn in the following paragraphs and watch your life change for the better.One of the first things you need to know about the language is that the Thai language is very different from English. English has a very traditional pronunciation, but the Thai pronunciation is less traditional. While listening to Thai spoken, you would often hear the individual syllables pronounced differently. For example, there are certain words where the entire word changes a little. This kind of accent can make you sound like a native speaker of English.The Thai language can also make you sound more European because it is a tonal language, which means that it is more simple than English. In English, the tone is determined by how loud you say the word. The same rule applies in Thai. If you say a Thai word slowly, you will get a deeper sound from it.Thai is much easier to learn when you learn the vocabulary and phrases from English books. You can choose from the many available English, free online textbooks. This is very convenient, but you will be missing out on some essential vocabulary and phrases, especially if you are just beginning to learn this language.Learning Thai takes practice. Most adults usually learn it when they are around their 30s. It may seem like a lot of time, but when you look at the amount of effort it requires, it's really not all that much time. What you need to do is pick up one phrase or two every day. Make sure you try to remember them each day and then use them to practice.The best way to learn Thai is to learn a few simple phrases from the convenienc e of your own home. When you live in a foreign country, you can study at your own pace and the pace you feel comfortable with. You may need to start with the basics and work your way up. Once you've got a couple phrases under your belt, then you can move on to more complicated phrases like the ones we'll discuss in the following paragraph.A good website to find tips on how to learn English is a useful resource to have if you want to learn how to speak Thai, even if you're just here for a short while. Learning English is a complex process, which makes learning Thai even more difficult, but if you learn the language and build the proper habits, you'll find that it is a much simpler task.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Five Things Your Students Learn from Field Trips

Five Things Your Students Learn from Field Trips If youre all about allowing your students to learn by doing, keep in mind how beneficial field trips can be for them. Designed well, these outside-the-classroom experiences get students engaged and excited and not just to get out of the classroom. Here are five things your students will learn from field trips: How class teachings translate to everyday life: The topics your students read about in textbooks are brought to life when they have the opportunity to see those concepts in action, as they will on certain types of field trips. What kinds of jobs exist: Theres nothing quite like taking students on a field trip to expose them to the many types of careers out there and fields that they could work in one day. Before any field trip, you should take the time to share more about the people who work in those areas and why their jobs are important. How things really work in the real world: It can be hard for some students to fully grasp ideas just by hearing you discuss them. Reading about the railroad is interesting, but going to a museum to see how locomotives work and the behind-the-scenes details of the construction of railway systems puts it all into perspective. The importance of different cultural institutions: Whether you take your students to a historic place or a nature and science museum, this type of exposure to objects, artifacts, history, and other learning opportunities can have a major impact on your students. How they learn best: By their very nature, field trips are different from standard school days. Students get a lot of hands-on learning and absorb information visually, aurally, and kinesthetically. The trips might open students eyes to the learning styles that suit them well. Field trips immerse students in new settings, which can be a lot of fun. Most importantly, they boost students critical thinking skills, stimulate their learning, and help them retain knowledge.

Why you should teach in an IB school

Why you should teach in an IB school If you’ve ever been browsing the Teach Away job board in search of a unique global opportunity, you may have come across postings for positions at International Baccalaureate, or IB, schools. These schools are significantly different from other private and public international schools as well as from local private and public schools. IB schools aren’t better or worse than other options, but do have some unique qualities and education approaches that might make them a more desirable place to teach. They strive to go beyond basic curricula to instill caring and curiosity in their students. IB schools work hard to ensure students step outside of the standard subject material and their programs reflect that sentiment; the Primary Years Programme (PYP) applies the transdisciplinary themes, “Who we are”, “Where we are in place and time”, and “How we express ourselves” across all subjects. As a result, starting from the age of 3, children at IB schools inherit genuine senses of caring and curiosity. They focus on shaping global citizens. The I in IB truly does stand for International. IB schools are known for their focus on producing global citizens who are educated about the world. This, too, is clear when you take a look at another three PYP transdisciplinary themes: “How the world works”, “How we organise ourselves”, and “Sharing the planet”. The Middle Years Programme (MYP) doesn’t use transdisciplinary themes, but rather global contexts, which further reinforce the significance of IB students adopting a genuine global way of thinking. The six global contexts are “Identities and relationships”, “Personal and cultural identity”, “Orientations in space and time”, “Scientific and technical innovation”, “Fairness and development”, “Globalization and sustainability”. They constantly work towards improving their teachers. IB schools immerse their teachers in transformative professional development programs. The idea behind their quality PD program is that teachers who are perpetually gaining new skills are best equipped to develop the knowledge and skillsets of their students. IB PD programs consist of face-to-face workshops, online workshops, and blended learning. Teaching in an International Baccalaureate school is a chance to work in a unique global environment while building your education career with experience that is recognized and valued internationally. See some current Teach Away IB job postings below. Visual Arts Teacher - Private International School - Indonesia IB Math Teacher - International School IB Science Teacher - International School IB Economics/Business Management Teacher - International School More info on teaching in IB schools

Thursday, March 5, 2020

March 17 is Saint Patrick`s Day

March 17 is Saint Patrick`s Day Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-wannabes across the globe observe St. Patricks Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green. The historic figure St. Patrick was born in England circa 385 AD. St. Patrick was captured by pirates as a child and brought to Ireland. During his enslavement, he was called to Christianity and escaped his captors after six years. He returned to Ireland as a missionary, and in his teachings, combined Irish pagan beliefs with Christian sacrament, devising the Celtic Cross. He is annually honored on March 17. In Ireland St. Patricks day is somewhat of a national holiday. But also in our country this day plays a bigger and bigger role as an unofficial national holiday celebrating the Irish and Irish American culture. In Chatham County, Georgia, Patricks Day has already become an official holiday. Look out the window on to the street. Dont you see a lot of green today? Skyscrapers in Dallas, Texas are lit in green neon lights. The water fountain in front of the White House yard has been dyed green. What else can you see which has turned green today? At TutorZ office some men are wearing green sweaters while one women wears green shoes. The celebration of St. Patricks day has become a tradition at the TutorZ office commemorating this day with a St. Patricks day article in 2013. Happy St. Patricks Day!

Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important

Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important? Being enrolled in both the Kumon Math and Reading programs is necessary to develop the whole child. The Kumon Math Program develops strong problem-solving and calculation skills from the four basic operations through algebra and to calculus. The Kumon Reading Program builds excellent reading ability from understanding basic sentences to critically reading advanced literary texts. These skills learned through both programs are essential for long-term academic success. Having problem solving skills coupled with a high level of reading ability and calculation ability is a requirement to do well in school. Parents of Kumon Math students are encouraged to have their child study the Kumon Reading Program to ensure smooth progress at school. School math focuses on learning concepts through word problems and greatly accentuates the need for reading comprehension skills. To solve a math word problem, children need to be able to read the problem for comprehension, understand it conceptually, and then calculate it to find the right answer. Children have to interpret the meaning of the question and find the best approach to solving the problem. How something is written can be just as difficult for a child as what the problem is mathematically asking of the child. The Kumon Reading Program develops excellent reading ability in students through practice in carefully reading the instructions, finding information from the passage, and analyzing the question to understand how to solve the problem. Regular exposure to reading a wide variety of passages will develop comprehension skill and, in turn, will help children with math as well. The Kumon Reading program is recommended not just for the math benefits, but also for the literacy and character development benefits. Reading books and building language skills are essential for children in their consideration of the type of life they want to live. You might also be interested in: 6 Oral Reading Tips for Parents 4 Ways Kumon Helps Preschoolers Develop Important Handwriting Skills From Struggling Student to Kumon Dual Program Completer Fear of math word problems? Why developing reading ability may be the solution to help your child. Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important Why is Dual Enrollment in Kumon Math and Reading Important? Being enrolled in both the Kumon Math and Reading programs is necessary to develop the whole child. The Kumon Math Program develops strong problem-solving and calculation skills from the four basic operations through algebra and to calculus. The Kumon Reading Program builds excellent reading ability from understanding basic sentences to critically reading advanced literary texts. These skills learned through both programs are essential for long-term academic success. Having problem solving skills coupled with a high level of reading ability and calculation ability is a requirement to do well in school. Parents of Kumon Math students are encouraged to have their child study the Kumon Reading Program to ensure smooth progress at school. School math focuses on learning concepts through word problems and greatly accentuates the need for reading comprehension skills. To solve a math word problem, children need to be able to read the problem for comprehension, understand it conceptually, and then calculate it to find the right answer. Children have to interpret the meaning of the question and find the best approach to solving the problem. How something is written can be just as difficult for a child as what the problem is mathematically asking of the child. The Kumon Reading Program develops excellent reading ability in students through practice in carefully reading the instructions, finding information from the passage, and analyzing the question to understand how to solve the problem. Regular exposure to reading a wide variety of passages will develop comprehension skill and, in turn, will help children with math as well. The Kumon Reading program is recommended not just for the math benefits, but also for the literacy and character development benefits. Reading books and building language skills are essential for children in their consideration of the type of life they want to live. You might also be interested in: 6 Oral Reading Tips for Parents 4 Ways Kumon Helps Preschoolers Develop Important Handwriting Skills From Struggling Student to Kumon Dual Program Completer Fear of math word problems? Why developing reading ability may be the solution to help your child.

How to Make Extracurricular Activities Extra Significant

How to Make Extracurricular Activities Extra Significant Extracurricular Activities: Youre More Than Just Grades Why do colleges need to know what clubs you’re in or where you’re volunteering? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not a test to see how many things you can participate in during your high school career. More simply, these aspects of your life reflect you as a person. Grades and test scores only show one part of who you are; this is the more interesting stuff! Take a look to see what colleges expect and what you should be doing this year to make your extracurricular activities shine. What’s been useful to you or others? Show colleges that what you’re doing matters. Volunteer organizations easily fit this criterion, but even sports and clubs work too. Demonstrate how you have improved as an individual or how the club/sport improved as a result of your participation. Explain how your skills have improved in your sport, or how your work helped the club grow their membership. Have you received recognition? Has an organization given you accolades for your service? Did your team win local or state championships? Discuss anything having to do with recognition for your hard work or achievements. Again, it’s more about quality than quantity here. If you have loads of participation certificates and nothing more, it may seem like you are spreading yourself too thin. Beyond participating, have you been a leader? Challenge yourself and take on some responsibility. Haven’t taken the lead yet? Try heading a committee or running for an officer position. Anything that indicates you lead others shows maturity and a drive for personal improvement. What can you do now? If you are currently a freshman, enjoy the almost endless possibilities! Take time to check out all the clubs, organizations, and sports teams to find the best fit for you. Don’t limit yourself to school campus options either. Every community has volunteer organizations looking for help. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, start it! As a sophomore, you should be able to narrow down what’s important to you. There is no need to join them all, but make an effort to be truly involved in a few clubs and/or teams. For juniors and seniors, you should be making commitments to activities you’re passionate about and enjoy. In the short time remaining, apply for more responsibility; maybe start with a committee chair position, or go big and run for student council. The summer too?! Yes, the summer too. Just because you’re not in class doesn’t mean you lose all motivation. You are more interesting than a person who goes to school; show it! Who are you outside of school? Summer camps, volunteering, internships, work, or reading are all ways to continue expanding your mind and growing as an individual. You don’t need to start your own business, but show universities you are committed to your future by not spending every waking moment at the beach. It’s never too late to get involved, so don’t let excuses get in the way of making new friends and great memories. These experiences will undoubtedly help you today and in the future. Want to learn more about extracurricular activities, Los Angeles? Check out these articles: How to Help Your Kids Choose the Best UC Wants the Truth on Student Applications

Preparation For FEOH Chemistry

Preparation For FEOH ChemistryFEOH Chemistry is a very popular online book used for Chemistry certification. The teachers are carefully prepared with information, tools and instructions to teach your students with no hurdles. If you want to ensure that your students learn properly through this book, then here are some tips to make it effective.Experience is always the best teacher, that's why it is very important that you start reading from the beginning and build your experience by going through the techniques and tools the book has to offer. Make sure that you don't get overwhelmed when you are about to go to the lessons. When you are reading through FEOH Chemistry book, you will find that there are chapters with interactive games. This way, you can engage your student in a very interesting and creative manner.The book you are using to prepare for FEOH Chemistry, should be used with patience and willingness. If you are given all of these while doing the lessons, then there's nothin g to worry. You can also include many other activities that you found interesting while doing the lesson.Have a point to refer back to any chapter as often as you think it is needed. Just like when you have the math page for a math assignment, you can refer back to each chapter on occasion. This would make your experience much more fruitful and challenging.Create excitement by going through the material with your students. You can ask your students to join the book club where they can bring in their own homework which they can refer to anytime during the chapter.To make your experience more interesting, you can ask your students to interact with the examples that you have printed in the book. It will make the learning process much more exciting.There are many different ways to prepare for FEOH Chemistry book. Make sure that you know how to apply these strategies in every lesson and put them into practice. Practice makes perfect.

Review Everitt Clark Reviews

Review Everitt Clark ReviewsEveritt Clark Reviews is a great source for finding the right tutoring resource. These guides will help you make the most of your child's education and put them on the right track. This will also give you the motivation to use the tutoring service as well.Everitt Clark reviews offer reviews on the best resource available for providing high quality tutoring. The people who write these reviews are parents, teachers, and teachers themselves. They will help you find the tutoring resource that is best for your child.Reviews will also explain the benefits of each resource. They will tell you how each resource can make a difference in your child's life and how they will make the tutoring experience more exciting. Reviews will provide you with the information you need to help you decide which resource to use for your child.These reviews will also tell you if the tutoring resource is safe and what type of feedback they have received from past clients. If they are n ot satisfied with the service, they will let you know. This can help you avoid a possible situation where you are doing something that is against the law.The reviews are done by real parents who have used tutoring services from Everitt Clark. Many reviews contain testimonials from parents who have successfully used the tutoring service to improve their child's educational experience. Parents like the fact that the reviews are detailed and provide many different experiences. Reviews are designed to provide guidance on whether or not the tutoring resource is right for your child.Reviews can help you get the most out of your child's education. When you find a review that is helpful, you can trust that this is a good resource for your child. These reviews will be helpful in choosing the best resource for your child.Tutoring by Everitt Clark reviews can help you get the information you need to make an informed decision about your child's future. This is because the tutoring resources are carefully reviewed by real parents who understand the needs of your child. Any decision about tutoring should involve a parent, a teacher, and a child. If you want the most out of your child's education, you will want to read reviews of tutoring services.

How to Find Free Arabic Lessons

How to Find Free Arabic Lessons Learn Arabic Online for Free ChaptersDiscover Arabic LessonsHave Fun Learning Arabic with Hello WorldLearn Arabic Online with VideosLearning Arabic Grammar with Al JazeeraFind Out How to Conjugate Arabic VerbsLearning Arabic Using AudioLearn Arabic Anywhere, AnytimeLearning a language is tough, and even though Arabic is spoken by a growing population, resources for learning this foreign language remain difficult to find.The popularity of languages such as English, German, Portuguese, and Spanish, coupled with Arabic's unfortunate reputation for being hard to learn are both to blame.Part of the difficulty with learning Arabic is knowing what type of Arabic classes to take.Basically, you need to know that modern standard Arabic (Msa) is the written form of the language which is common to the whole Arab world.The story for spoken Arabic is a little bit more complex because there are a number of different Arabic dialects which change from country to country. If you are in Egypt, or Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia, or any o ther country in the Middle East or North Africa where Arabic is an official language (there are 26), the form of Arabic spoken will differ.Therefore, most language courses in Arabic tend to focus on Msa, but if you are planning to visit or live in, or do business with a native speaker from a specific country, then learning the dialect of that country would be advisable.Nevertheless, Arabic is spoken by hundreds of millions of people across the globe, and is subsequently of obvious strategic importance economically, socially, and culturally.How might you become one of them?Of course, you're not looking to spend a lot of money. Is it possible to learn Arabic for free? Take a look at the numerous resources online.